About Me
I am an ordained Interfaith Minister of Spiritual Counseling and Healing. I was ordained in 1999 from the Sanctuary of Peace and Harmony’s two-year Interfaith Seminary program. Since my Ordination, I have been assisting couples from all walks of life in creating the wedding or commitment ceremony of their dreams.
I am also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and therapist. I received my master’s degree in social work from Stony Brook University. I have a private therapy practice with offices in both Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Using a generalist prospective, I provide clinical therapy and counseling for couples and individuals addressing many areas of mental health. I also specialize in pre-marriage counseling that provides you with the tools for creating a happy and joyful life.
I am a certified Reiki Master, in the traditional Usui method. Reiki Teacher and Advanced Radiance Practitioner.
I serve on the board of directors for The Sanctuary of Peace and Harmony, Inc. A non-profit organization dedicated to healing & peace for the world.